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10 Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke

10 Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke

Stroke is synonymous with the issue of age, as most who suffer a stroke are the people who are elderly. But in today's world it is not impossible even had a lot of people who suffer stroke at a time when a young age.

Cause of Stroke

Medical risk factors that cause or exacerbate stroke include hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart problems, diabetes, family history of stroke (heredity) and migraine. According to statistics 80% of the trigger stroke are hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
Behavioral risk factors caused by lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits such as smoking, consuming soft drinks and alcoholic likes to eat fast food (fast food and junk food). Other behavioral risk factors is the lack of motion activity / exercise and obesity. One of the triggers is also uncomfortable mood as often angry for no apparent reason.

At the core cause of stroke is interruption of blood supply to the brain caused by the deposition of cholesterol or plaque on the wall of the blood vessels that lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

For behavioral lifestyle risk factors, which in fact is the main cause or trigger early arrival of a stroke because of the food we eat may contain high cholesterol and also causing free radicals that can cause constriction of blood vessels, due to deposition of cholesterol from the foods we eat settles on the walls of blood vessels.

Signs and symptoms of Stroke
  • The onset of focal neurologic form of weakness or paralysis of the arm, leg or one side of the body.
  • Muscle weakness (hemiplegia), rigid and decreased sensory function.
  • Loss of taste or abnormal sensation in the arm or leg or one side of the body such as numbness, numbness next to the body, feels tingling, burning, even as burning under the skin.
  • Visual disturbances such as only partially able to see or can not see the whole because of the dark vision and double vision for a moment.
  • Decreased ability to smell and taste.
  • Walking becomes difficult and teetering steps, sometimes suffered total paralysis.
  • The loss of control of urinary bladder so often unnoticed.
  • Loss of balance, body movements are not well coordinated.
  • Do not understand the speech of others, not being able to read, write and count properly.
  • The disruption and difficulty in swallowing food or drink (likely choking).
  • Speech disorder and difficult language indicated with slurred speech (rero), nasal, slurred speech, stuttering and speak only one word, even difficult to think or say the right words.
  • Being forgetful (Dementia) and not being able to recognize parts of the body.
  • Vertigo (dizziness, headache) or a persistent feeling of spinning when no activity.
  • The eyelids are difficult to open.
  • Become more sensitive, easy to cry or laugh.
  • Many sleep and always wanted to sleep.
  • Disturbance of consciousness, unconscious until he was unconscious.

10 Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke
  1. Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion related to intracerebral hemorrhage. (Marilynn E. Doenges, 2000)
  2. Impaired physical mobility related to hemiparese / hemiplegia (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  3. Disturbed Sensory Perception related to sensory impairment, vision impairment (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  4. Impaired verbal communication related to the decrease in brain blood circulation (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  5. Impaired elimination (constipation) related to immobilization, inadequate fluid intake (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  6. Risk for Imbalanced Nutrition Less than Body Requirements related to muscle weakness of chewing and swallowing (Barbara Engram, 1998)
  7. Lack of Self-Care Deficit related to hemiparese / hemiplegia (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  8. Risk for Impaired skin integrity related long bed rest (Barbara Engram, 1998)
  9. Risk for ineffective airway clearance related to the decrease in cough reflex and swallowing. (Juall Lynda Carpenito, 1998)
  10. Altered urinary elimination (urine incontinence) related to lesions in the upper motor neuron (Juall Lynda Carpenito, 1998)

Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke

Nursing Diagnosis for Hemorrhagic Stroke

Nursing Diagnosis for Ischemic Stroke

Nursing Diagnosis

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