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Nursing Diagnosis for Marasmus

Marasmus is a form of severe protein-energy malnutrition characterized by energy deficiency.

A child with marasmus looks emaciated. Body weight may be reduced to less than 80% of the average weight that corresponds to the height . Marasmus occurrence increases prior to age 1, whereas kwashiorkor occurrence increases after 18 months. It can be distinguished from kwashiorkor in that kwashiorkor is protein wasting with the presence of edema.

The prognosis is better than it is for kwashiorkor.

Nursing Diagnosis for Marasmus

  1. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to inadequate food intake (appetite). (Wong, 2004)
  2. Deficient fluid volume related to diarrhea. (Carpenito, 2001:140)
  3. Impaired skin integrity related to impaired nutritional / metabolic status
  4. Risk for infection related to damage the body's defense
  5. Deficient knowledge related to lack of information (Doengoes, 2004)
  6. Activity intolerance related to impaired oxygen transport system secondary to malnutrition. (Carpenito, 2001:3)
  7. Excess fluid volume related to lower protein intake (malnutrition). (Carpenio, 2001:143).

Nursing Diagnosis

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