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Delmar's Maternal-Infant Nursing Care Plans


Written by practicing nurses for students and practitioners, this resource is a valuable reference. - IMPRINT, National Student Nurses Association Inc. (September, October 2005)
Product Description

Delmar's Maternal-Infant Nursing Care Plans, 2nd edition, provides detailed information on caring for clients during pregnancy, labor and delivery, the postpartum period, and the newborn/infant period. All the information needed to develop specific and effective nursing care plans for clients in the maternal and newborn periods is included. Each care plan presents information to guide users in developing comprehensive individualized nursing care plans based on solid scientific understanding of the physiological, psychological, and social events surrounding childbirth. Care plans solicit specific client data and prompt the user to individualize the interventions, consider cultural relevance, and evaluate the client's individual response.

Delmar's Maternal-Infant Nursing Care Plans

Nursing Diagnosis

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