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Nursing Diagnosis for Bartolinitis


Bartolinitis is Inflammation of Glands of Bartolino, located to both sides of Vagina, between the smaller lips and the wall of the vagina, and whose function is the vaginal lubrication. It is a curable and treatable disease without majors impacts for the normal sexual unfolding of the woman.


The bartolinitis appears by an obstruction of the two exit of one of Glands of Bartolino .

Some maintain that the clothes very fit or the continuous intimate article use of lycra could favor the development of bacteria that can cause this ailment. Some doctors consider that the hormonal DIU and contraceptives could change the consistency of the vaginal flow, generating episodes.

But it does not seem to have a definitive evidence of a unique specific cause nor method of prevention, and many doctors consider that the bartolinitis is mere question of predisposition of the organism.

Nursing Diagnosis for Bartolinitis
  1. Self-care deficit related to limitation of motion
  2. Impaired Skin Integrity related to edema of the skin
  3. Deficient Knowledge related to lack of understanding of sources of information
  4. Risk for Sexual Dysfunction related to the disease process

Nursing Diagnosis

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